Common Tennis Injuries: Prevention and Treatment

Tennis is a popular sport around the world, but unfortunately its appeal and excitement come with drawbacks. People who frequently play tennis are at high risk of tennis injuries that affect the shoulders, wrists, and elbows. The most common injuries include rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, and ankle sprains. Fortunately, there are effective prevention and treatment methods that can help tennis players protect their health. Dr. William F. Bennett of Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine in Sarasota, Florida specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of such sports injuries to help athletes stay at the top of their game.

A Description of the Most Common Tennis Injuries

Though tennis is not as high-impact of a sport as football or wrestling, it still puts strain on the shoulders, wrists, and elbows over time. The repetitive motions involved in tennis often cause tennis elbow, an inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow. Rotator cuff tears are also common, as the muscles and tendons that grant the shoulder stability and mobility begin to tear away from overuse. Ankle sprains, meanwhile, can occur easily when the ankle twists too quickly during a sudden sideways motion. Dr. Bennett has extensive experience handling all of these injuries and many others.

Preventing Tennis Injuries

Not all injuries can be prevented, but certain precautions can minimize the chances of injury. Athletes should always warm up before playing and utilize strength-building exercises on a regular basis to keep the body strong and protected. Using the right gear is also important, from sneakers with extra support to racquets with the correct grip size and string tension. Finally, tennis players should pay attention to their form and technique. Simple adjustments like balancing the weight of the upper body by bending the knees and raising the heels can help prevent injuries.

The Most Effective Treatments

Ice, rest, and physical therapy are frequently recommended for tennis injuries and other musculoskeletal injuries, but Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine offers a more effective and innovative way to restore the body back to health. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections actually accelerate and enhance the body’s natural healing process to revive injured tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscles. Since it is obtained from a patient’s own blood, PRP is readily available to resolve a long list of sports injuries, including common tennis injuries.

Dr. Bennett has successfully treated patients with PRP for conditions ranging from tendon injuries and tennis elbow to rotator cuff tears and jumper’s knee. If you’re ready to finally experience relief from your own tennis injury, call Dr. Bennett today to make your first PRP appointment: (941) 404-2703.  


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Bennett Orthopedics & Sportsmedicine 1250 S Tamiami Trail #303 Sarasota, Florida 34239

Phone: (941) 953-5509

Business Hours

Monday - Friday - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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