Adult Stem Cell Therapy & Platelet Rich Plasma
Hip, Knee and Ankle Injuries in Sarasota Treated
Injuries to the lower extremity include those of the bones of the femur, tibia, patella, foot and ankle as well as injury to the cartilage, ligament and tendons surrounding the hip, knee and ankle joints.
Hip Injuries
Hip injuries can include cartilage, ligament and tendon injuries. Pain in the hip can also be referred from lumbar spine disc and nerve injuries. The pelvic bones, especially, groin pulls and hernias can mimic hip joint injuries. True hip pain is usually localized to the groin area. Pain of the buttocks can be related to sacroiliac joint injuries and pain on the outside of the hip can be related to hip bursitis and gluteus medius tears.

Pain from inside the hip joint, usually groin pain can include hip labral tears, cartilage damage and arthritis as well as pain from the iliospoas tendon.

Knee Pain
Knee pain can arise from many sources. In fact knee pain, especially that on the inside of the knee can come from the hip. True knee pain can arise from knee-cap or patella problems or maltracking.

Cartilage, meniscus, ligament and tendon irritation around the knee can cause pain as well.

Ankle and Foot Pain
Pain from the ankle can occur from ankle sprains or tendon irritation around the ankle. Pain can also occur from tendon injuries around the ankle and at times, ligaments and cartilage as well as ankle arthritis can cause pain. Pain in the arch of the foot is often plantar fasciitis.