Adult Stem Cell Therapy & Platelet Rich Plasma
Patient Testimonials

Dr Bennett performed surgery to reattach my right rotator cuff in Oct 2012. I was very concerned about the surgery since I had my left rotator cuff repaired in 2010 (out of state ) and had a very painful and slow recovery post surgery, which required heavy doses of pain medication for 8-10 days.
My experience with Dr Bennett was just the opposite as I only needed pain medication for two days and my overall recovery was amazingly fast and easy. I attribute this to two things : Obviously Dr Bennett's surgical skills but also his recommendation that I allow him to use Platelet Rich Plasma injections during the surgery, which is designed to reduce pain and promote healing. I was concerned about the cost as it is not covered by insurance but I came to believe it was the best money I have ever spent since my recovery was so fast and easy. It is now 15 months since my surgery and I never even think of the shoulder anymore. My recovery is complete and I have full use of the arm and enjoy a full life.
I highly recommend Dr Bennett to anyone in need of his skills and experience and would never hesitate to call on him again.

I am a retired Engineer who served 27 years in the Air Force. Currently manage and own a restaurant and bar in St Petersburg, Florida. In November 2011, I had non-invasive surgery for a torn meniscus in my right knee. Shortly after the surgery, bone on bone evolved which was extremely painful and almost debilitating. I originally was scheduled for full knee replacement using traditional surgical methods. I talked with many personnel who had been through the surgery experiencing terrific pain after surgery. I was uncomfortable and decided to research a better way using minimally invasive surgical techniques. I found Dr Bennett on line and decided to attend one of his seminars. I was extremely impressed with his approach using PRP. After two injections, I was able to walk with minimal pain; however, my knee was too far gone, requiring surgery....knee replacement. Dr Bennett performed the knee surgery on July 12, 2013 using minimally invasive surgery and PRP. I was amazed when I woke from surgery that I had absolutely no pain in my knee. That afternoon I was walking with a walker and the next day was able to walk unassisted. During my physical therapy sessions that followed, my therapist was amazed at my progress indicating that my knee movement and recovery was progressing at over double the speed of normal progress. Within two weeks, I was walking normally totally unassisted. My knee continued to get stronger and I returned to normal activity within a month. As I look back, I know I made the best choice...thank you Dr Bennett.

Both knees painful for several years with increasing pain. Climbing stairs increasingly difficult and pain increasing. PRP injections were nearly painless and gave me almost immediate pain relief. I have also noticed that I am much more steady on my feet and I am able to climb stairs without pain.

Both knees were bothering me, especially my right knee to the point that I was having to walk down the stairs backwards and very limited with everyday activities. My chiropractor suggested that I come to see Dr. Bennett, to see if the "PRP" injections would help my condition. After just one day after the first "PRP" injection in my right knee, I noticed a significant difference; I was at least 70-75% better after the first injection. I would absolutely recommend these injections!

I tore my lateral meniscus in my left knee back in February 2013. This injury stopped me from putting any weight on my left leg. I couldn’t even lie down on left side because just the weight on my leg pressed the meniscus against the mattress or couch, which in turn caused excruciating pain. I could only lie down on my right side. The pain also kept me up through most of the night.
Back in the mid 90’s I torn my right medial meniscus. This was the first time I had met Dr. Bennett and he fixed my right knee. To this day my right knee is in perfect shape. When the MRI showed that had torn my lateral meniscus I knew I had to make an appointment with Dr. Bennett. He is the only doctor I trust with my orthopedic concerns. When I saw Dr. Bennett concerning my lateral meniscus tear he suggested I go with PRP injections. I didn’t know anything about this treatment. He explained this treatment very thoroughly with me. He also explained to me all my other options. When he said the PRP would be my best option, I decided to go with the PRP injection treatment. I took two shots. The first shot was extremely painful. Dr. Bennett told me to use a walking cane. For the first five days was very painful. After that the I noticed the pain started to decrease. I went back for a second shot. This shot was not as painful. I also experienced further reduction in pain. Shortly, after the second shot I started experiencing pain free days for the 1st time. Followed by couple of days with just minor pain. The days with minor pain was very brief. It only lasted for a minute. The blocks of days that were pain free lasted longer over time during the treatment, and the days where I experienced minor pain became shorter and shorter. I was also walking around without the walking cane at this point. The pain went down from a minute to just a few seconds. After the end of the second treatment I am now practically pain free.
The PRP injections done by Dr. Bennett made a huge difference in my life. I went from barely being able to walk and suffering non-stop excruciating pain 24/7 to being practically pain free. I walk around without pain and I am now riding the bike at the gym to restrengthen my legs. I can ride the bike pain free as well. I can also work at my job carrying 25 pounds of equipment all day without any pain. Words cannot express how thankful I am to Dr. Bennett for getting my knee back to normal. I strongly recommend anyone with orthopedic concerns to see Dr. Bennett. If he suggests PRP injections, I strongly recommend you try this treatment.

I had injured my knee nearly 20 years ago and the diagnosis was grim. The doctor advised me then I would eventually need surgery on my knee(s). Ten years ago, I was riding my bicycle and a car that pulled away from a stop sign without seeing me struck me. Again went me knee. I have suffered “achiness” for years. However, earlier in 2013 I started experiencing a “locking” in the knee. I couldn’t stand or sit without pausing to let the knee unlock. The knee was also swelling. I had to completely stop exercising until I had it looked at. I had an MRI done at the advice of my primary care physician. I read the report and it stated I had a “bucket tear of the medial meniscus.” I saw Dr. Bennett for a consultation and again the diagnosis was grim. “You will need surgery.” He did take the time to explain what a bucket tear of the meniscus was and offered me a couple of additional treatment options. I had just started a new job and needed the least invasive and quickest recovery possible. He advised me a number of the other options would still be available after the surgery (and still are).
Dr. Bennett performed arthroscopic surgery to remove the damaged meniscus. I was home the same day of the surgery, however spent the rest of the day in bed. Within a couple of days, I graduated from crutches to a cane to walking unassisted. I could walk one mile within a week of the surgery. My employer forced me to recover at home because of the sutures to prevent infection. However, the day after the sutures were removed, I began swimming a couple times a week along with my daily walks. The only downfall I had during recovery was, as quickly as I thought I was progressing, Dr. Bennett was not happy with my range of motion. I went to physical therapy three weeks after surgery to regain my range of motion. After 6 sessions of therapy, I was released to see Dr. Bennett for follow-up only.
Since my surgery on July 3, 2013, I have gotten back to my normal routine of using my Treadclimber, yoga and weight lifting. Prior to the surgery I could leg press 400 pounds, since the surgery I have already built back up to 364 pounds and adding two pounds a week. I also passed my physical test required for my job including a quarter mile run. I practiced running for two weeks prior to the test and I have run in 8 years because of knee pain! I still have an occasional achiness; I am getting older, and would be more than happy to go see Dr. Bennett for all my future orthopedic needs!

About 9yrs ago I had a hip replacement of the left hip, I was perfect until about a year ago when I tripped and fell on my hip. I had tried everything from massages to chiropractic appointments with no relief. I went to another physician who did the PRP, but did not use an ultrasound or even look at my xrays. It gave me some relief but the pain came back. I found Dr. Bennett online who did the "PRP" injections, he ordered xrays and diagnosed my problem right away. He recommended I try the "PRP" injections with him, so I agreed. After just one injection of the ultrasound guided injection of the "PRP" into my left hip, I noticed relief after 10 days and when I returned in 14 days my hip was 100% improved.

I have been a runner for 44 years and ran 24 marathons. About 4 years ago I began having horrible hip pain. I was told I needed a hip replacement. Some time after the pain became unbearable, I went to Dr. Bennett with the hope that he could help me. He has done just that. He suggested PRP. I have gotten 4 injections of PRP, one a year. I will say, I felt an immediate improvement. My pain dropped from almost unbearable to barely any pain. By the way, I do not take drugs for pain. Occassionally I may feel a little discomfort if I move the wrong way, but I am exercising - spinning, using the stairstepper, biking, and weight training. I do run occasionally on the treadmill, but no long distances. My daily activities are back to normal - pain free. I would strongly recommend to anyone contemplating surgery, that PRP be tried first. It has made a tremendous difference in my life.

I was having a slow recovery from a torn cartilage and stress fracture in my left knee. After 18-20 months of little to no improvement, I went to a seminar at Doctors Hospital given by Dr. Bennett. I made an appointment to see him in regards to my left knee. He recommended that I try the "PRP" injections, and after 2 injections I have had a 85-90% improvement. I would recommend trying the "PRP" injections before considering surgery.

I am an active "snowbird" from Canada with severe osteoarthritis of the hip who has an appointment to see a surgeon when I return home in the spring. However, due to pain in my hip, I wasn't able to fully enjoy my time in Sarasota. Plus I wasn't happy taking pain medication daily. I had heard about alternatives to surgery and my research led me to Dr. Bennett.
I have had two PRP injections and have noticed a significant improvement (70%). The sharp pain in my hip that I used to experience daily has disappeared. Also, during the 18 days since my second PRP injection, I have only taken pain medication twice. During those 18 days I was active for at least 2 hours each day (road bike, gym - weights, Pilates & yoga, golf).
Based on the improvement experienced to date, I am rethinking the need for surgery.