PRP Found Effective as Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Given that about 45 percent of people are at risk of developing knee osteoarthritis (OA) in their lifetime, a great deal of research has been devoted to uncovering safe, low-cost treatments that improve the pain and function of an osteoarthritic knee. Researchers recently confirmed that PRP serves as an effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis when ranked with naproxen, ibuprofen, and cortisone injections.

Dr. William Bennett of Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine has long known the power of PRP in treating chronic knee conditions like osteoarthritis, which is why he has been utilizing it as a standalone treatment and supplement to surgery for several years. If knee osteoarthritis has restricted your range of movement and diminished your quality of life, Dr. Bennett has the in-depth knowledge and extensive experience to use regenerative medicine to alleviate your chronic pain and stimulate accelerated healing in your joints.

What Is Knee Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease. It also known as the “wear and tear” arthritis because it occurs as cartilage in the joints breaks down and forces the bones to rub together. Though any joint can succumb to OA, it is most known for the damage it causes to the knees. This becomes a very painful condition. In a healthy knee, rubbery cartilage covers the end of each bone and provides a smooth surface for the joints to glide and move. In an OA knee, however, degeneration of that cartilage causes the bones to scrape together and causes incredible pain.

Platelet-Rich Plasma As a Solution to Knee Pain

Traditional knee pain treatments are geared toward temporarily minimizing symptoms rather than healing the root causes of the pain. PRP is dramatically different because it accelerates and enhances the natural healing processes necessary to overcome knee pain.

PRP contains a concentrated level of platelets that are drawn and spun from a patient’s very own blood. Once the concentrated collection of platelets are suspended into a small amount of plasma, they are injected into the knee to target the injury or degeneration causing pain. Over time, the potent growth factors and proteins in PRP stimulate tissue to heal and regenerate in a way the body wouldn’t be able to do on its own.

Dr. Bennett has positioned himself at the forefront of regenerative medicine and was one of the earliest adopters of PRP technology in the Sarasota area. He has treated tendon, ligament, cartilage, muscle, and osteoarthritis injuries successfully with PRP. Whether you are experiencing subtle symptoms of the development of OA or are currently suffering from advanced OA, a visit to Dr. Bennett at Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine will help you achieve stronger joint health now and in the future. Call (941) 229-1648 to make your appointment now.


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