PRP for Rotator Cuff Tear Injuries in Your Shoulder - Sarasota

PRP for Rotator Shoulder Cuff Tears

shoulder PRP repairDr. Bennett has often noted, and many of his patients have reported that his customized application of PRP during rotator cuff surgery decreases pain following surgery, and also decreases the usual rehabilitation period by almost 50 percent. Dr. Bennett has performed every rotator cuff repair surgery completely arthroscopically since 1995 and has never opened a shoulder for a rotator cuff tear, regardless of the size of the tear. Over almost 20 years, Dr. Bennett has had the opportunity to compare right to left shoulder surgeries in the same patients who had one shoulder repaired with the application of PRP and the other shoulder repaired without it, years of patient follow up reinforce his conclusions about decreased pain and length of rehabilitation.

While there are studies showing positive increases in repair integrity with the addition of PRP versus repairs that did not use PRP, Dr. Bennett has noted, clinically, that strength is increased much earlier with PRP than without the application of PRP.

The use of PRP with rotator cuff surgery has been debated and many early orthopedic studies showed “no” benefit with its use. However, please note that “all PRP is not equal”; many studies have used the term “PRP” when in fact they performed studies using PRFM, platelet rich fibrin matrix, a concentration of platelets not much above baseline.

In fact, note studies by Pietro Randelli, Milan Italy, “Platelet rich plasma in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a prospective RCT study, 2-year follow-up”; Stefano Gumrna, Rome, Italy, “Platelet-Leukocyte Membrane in Arthroscopic Repair of Large Rotator Cuff Tears A Prospective Randomized Study” , and Alan Barber, “Healing Influenced by Platelet-Rich Plasma Construct Augmentation”, amongst others, have scientifically reached conclusions similar to Dr. Bennett’s observations in his practice over the years, which also include lower re-tear rates.

Patients, when given a choice, usually elect to add PRP to their rotator cuff repairs. Patients who have partial thickness tears have been treated successfully with PRP instead of surgery at Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine, where Dr. Bennett uses an ultrasound and directs the needle with the regenerative “cocktail” directly into the partial tear site. High success rates are seen with this approach. Dr. Bennett owns several pieces of equipment for spinning blood, which, paired with years of experience with PRP, allows his to customize the type of PRP used to the specific injury type.

Dr. Bennett’s immediate services area includes Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, North Port, Englewood and Lakewood Ranch, Florida. With easy access to Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Ft. Myers airports, patients also come from Naples, Port Charlotte, out-of-state and even from outside of the U.S. to seek Dr. Bennett’s extensive experience and expertise with PRP and adult stem cells.

Copyright 2013 Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine
Contact us at at (941) 953-5509 or email us at

PRP Pricing

Please be aware the PRP Procedure price DOES NOT include the office visit or the ultrasound. Most insurance companies do NOT typically pay for PRP procedures. We will bill your insurance company for the office visit (99213 or 99214) and the ultrasound (76681). If your insurance should apply any amount of those charges to patient responsibility (copay, coinsurance, deductible, etc.) then you will be responsible for those charges. The price of the PRP covers the cost of the PRP kits, Centrifuge, processing, Local Anesthesia, Phlebotomist and the actual procedure of injecting the Platelet Rich Plasma.

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