The Use of Ultrasound-Guided PRP Injections for Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip osteoarthritis is one of the many forms of arthritis Dr. William Bennett treats at his Sarasota practice, Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine. This painful and debilitating condition is caused by wear and tear of the hip, which is one of the body’s largest joints. A ball and socket create the hip joint and work together to maintain easy movement, but osteoarthritis wears down the cartilage and lubrication that normally enable smooth and painless movements. This leads the bones to rub together and trigger severe pain and inflammation in the hip region.

Fortunately, professionals like Dr. Bennett who are devoted to using innovative treatment methods can now use ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to effectively treat hip osteoarthritis. PRP treatments can generate as much as 85 percent improvement in the joint by accelerating and enhancing the body’s natural healing processes with power growth factors that resolve the root causes of hip osteoarthritis. PRP is so effective that many of Dr. Bennett’s PRP patients have been able to avoid joint replacement surgery altogether! Using ultrasound technology to guide PRP injections ensures that the treatment delivers PRP in the most precise and powerful way possible.

Many studies have sought to assess the safety and symptomatic changes of injections of ultrasound-guided PRP in patients with hip osteoarthritis, including “Ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma injections for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip” published in Rheumatology in 2012. According to that study, three IA injections of PRP administered at weekly intervals result in clinically significant reductions in pain and function in patients with severe hip osteoarthritis. Pain reduction ranged from 30 percent to 71 percent in 60 percent of patients at six months post-treatment. These dramatic results directly support the rationale for use of PRP as a hip osteoarthritis treatment option.

According to this study, ultrasound technology makes the hip more accessible to treatment, “which improves [PRP] injection accuracy and permits the efficient diagnosis of inflammation. Ultrasonography also allows the aspiration of pathological joint fluid and the deposition of PRP under visual control, which avoids damage to femoral vessels and nerves.”

For these reasons and many more, Dr. Bennett is committed to providing his hip OA patients with superior PRP treatments. You can contact Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine in Sarasota, Florida at (941) 953-5509 to learn more about how Dr. Bennett helps patients achieve long-term healing using PRP treatments and schedule your first appointment today.


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